Good Day to you Church!
After a couple days of being cooped up in the house from the wildfire smoke, I am grateful to be back out on my porch again breathing clean air. Boy, you don’t realize what you have to be grateful for until you don’t have it!
Here’s the news for the week:
Hosting Presbytery in the Center Tomorrow
Have you ever been to a presbyter meeting? They’re really important in our system of governance. Presbyterians believe that we are better when churches in a local geographical areas support each other, so representatives from every Presbyterian church from Watertown to Plattsburgh, and Ogdensburg to Star Lake, come together every few months to discuss church matters, and to break bread and worship together. (Between you and me, sometimes these meetings can get a bit boring, but they’re also beautiful.)
Thankfully, different churches take turns hosting. (It’s a lot of work to host!) We haven’t had a turn in quite a few years, and I had forgotten how much work goes into this hospitality. So, I just want to offer out a shout of thanks to Sharon, Dale, Renee, Terry, Keilor, and anyone else who offered to bake muffins. Many hands coming together are making this all possible.
Also, Here’s a fun trivia fact for you: the way our denomination governs itself– as a democratic system that relies on representatives from each church to vote on issues that relate to church governance– our system of governance caught the eye of the founding fathers of the fledgling United States back in the late 1700s. They liked our format so much that they modeled Congress on our form of governance!
Bible Study Moving to the Mitchell’s House This Week
Our Saturday night Bible Study will travel to Jeff and Susan Mitchell’s house this week, while Diamante and Ivette are away. If you’d like to come, we will be meeting at the Mitchell’s house at 6:30pm on the 10th. Their address is: 438 Old Potsdam-Parrishville Rd. Apartment #4, Potsdam, NY 13676. (They are the last townhome in the row.)
Pastor Katrina on Vacation Next Week
I will be heading to Missouri next week to spend some much needed time with my mom, siblings, my own children, and my nieces and nephews. It’s going to be a very special time for us and I can’t wait, but I’m also feeling quite anxious about traveling. (My body does not have much appreciation for plane rides and the last time I flew, I was in excruciating pain for a week.) Will you be praying for me while I’m gone? I would appreciate any prayers coming my way.
With that said, I am so grateful to Jeff Mitchell for offering a word from the Word next Sunday, the 18th, and I hope you’ll join your church family in worship while I’m away.
Picnic at the Lazy River Playground Set for June 25th
Sharon Pickard has asked if folks would RSVP to her if you know you’re planning to go to our All-Church Picnic on Sunday the 25th. She needs a head count. You can let her know on Sunday at church, or email her at
Let her know if you would like to carpool and/or need a ride! (Lazy River Playground is near Hermon, and is a 30 minute drive from Potsdam.)
News from Emma Norris
For the last month, Emma Norris, one of our college students, has been in Jamaica, working in one of the local schools, and learning how to play the djembe. She’s had a wonderful experience and has confirmed a calling to teach abroad after she graduates. You can ask Emma about her travels when she returns to school in the fall and resumes worship with us on Sundays.

*Emma explained that Jamaica is currently struggling with teacher pay, so parish by parish the teachers are striking. She’s asking for prayers for the teachers, that they get paid fully and on time.

Emma is the young woman in the white shirt standing in front of the tree trunk. (These pictures, which include the kids, are shared with permission.)
Youth Group Over for the Year
Last night was the final meeting of our joint youth group with the Methodist Church, and I have to tell you– we have such intelligent, funny, thoughtful youth. Over the last year we talked about a lot of really hard subjects– racism, poverty, who and what God is, the relevance of organized religion, sexuality and gender, society, culture, social justice and God’s justice, our bodies, schooling and education, heaven and hell, and more. Our youth had insightful comments and questions to add to these discussions. And that, along with a double dose of their silly goofiness, made for a wonderful year with them.
Thank you Pastor Hattie, Richard, Rebecca, Isaiah, and Zoya!
To conclude my email to you today, I will offer you a wise bit of advice that 14-year old Rebecca offered a few weeks ago:
“When you’re praying, if you’re going to tell God about your day, you should also try asking how God’s day has been. We spend too much time yacking God’s ear off. If we want to live in relationship with God, we should also stop to consider what God is going through, too.”
May you be blessed today with God’s presence,
Pastor Katrina