Happy Summer to you, Church!
Well, we finally made it– summer is officially here. The air is pleasant, the flowers are in bloom, the fields are ripe for haying, and the rivers are starting to warm up. Have you been out swimming yet? I hope to go soon!
I just got home from visiting family in Missouri this past week. We had a special time together and I am so grateful.
Here’s the news for the week:
This Sunday = Funday
Pack your bags and bring a dish to pass this Sunday as we gather together with friends from Trinity Episcopal Church at the Lazy River Playground from 2pm-6pm.
If you’d like a ride, please email me back so we can make arrangements.
If you have any other questions, or want to RSVP, call Sharon Pickard at (315) 212-0008.
Membership Class, July 2nd
For those attending our membership class, we will pick back up with things next Sunday, the 2nd, after the worship service.

Music Concert Friday, July 7th
The Orchestra of Northern New York will be hosting their first in a 4-part series, in our sanctuary on Friday, July 7th. Adirondack Pro Musica will be playing with Sebastian Buhts, and the concert is free and open to the public! If you’re in town that week, you won’t want to miss it.
*See the attached poster for information regarding the other upcoming concerts.
Helen Brouwer’s Memorial Service Set for July 14th
If you knew and loved Helen, mark your calendars for her memorial service, set for 2pm on Friday, July 14th. Light refreshments will be served in the Center following the service.
Interested in Sharing about Your Faith Journey during Worship?
I’d like to open the floor up to anyone who might want to share a bit about their faith journey during our time called The Cloud of Witnesses. Have you seen God somewhere special in your life? Have you had a profound experience worth sharing with the congregation? Perhaps it was a struggle you’ve overcome, or a time when you really had to lean into God’s trust to see you through.
If you’d like to formally share a story or a bit of spiritual wisdom, email me back and let me know. You have as much lived experience with God as I do, and we help each other to grow and learn when we share.
So Many Different Ways to be Human
This week, while I was visiting with my family in the Ozark Mountains of southwestern Missouri, I was reminded of the fact that there are an astounding number of ways to be human on this planet. Even just within the United States, there are an untold number of cultures, belief systems, value sets, and religious traditions.
Spending this last week with people who live differently than I do, I was struck with that age-old conundrum…. how do we get along when we see the world so differently? Especially when we think ours is the “right” way to live, and others are harmfully in the “wrong”?
I left my time in the Bible Belt with more questions than answers. Questions like: Is it ok to let others be different from me? Is it possible to respect people who live antithetical to the truth we espouse?
If so, how do we make room for humility? And grace? While at the same time holding to our own convictions? Is this even possible? How do we make room for it to be possible?
What are your thoughts? Have you had any experiences that shed light on this topic? If so, I’d love to hear from you.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Katrina