Good Day to you, Church!
It’s December outside, and the weather is finally feeling a bit more Christmas-y. Do you have decorations up? I hope to have mine up this weekend. I love the cozy feeling that comes with holiday cheer!
We’ve got a lot going on in the next few weeks. Here’s what to look for:
THIS Sunday….
Advent Potluck This Sunday
Bring a dish to share for after the service and we’ll spend time visiting together. I’m bringing a peppermint chocolate cake. How about you?
*If you have something that needs to stay warm, you’re welcome to put it in the oven before worship. Terry and Dale will have it on and ready to go.
**Sue and Joanne will be leading the clean up efforts, but they would love to have a few people pitch in. Might you be willing to wash a few dishes afterwards?
Sweater Sunday
This week is also Sweater Sunday! Wear your favorite sweater, or a Christmas sweater, or an ugly sweater…. This week is all about being warm on the inside and the outside and having fun in the process.
Crane Candlelight Service
Crane’s annual candlelight service will be this Sunday at 3 pm and 7 pm. You won’t want to miss it!
And NEXT Sunday, December 11th…
Christmas Joy Offering
December 11th we will be collecting the Christmas Joy offering. This offering goes to support Presbyterian-related schools and colleges that support communities of color as well as current and retired church workers who are in need.
Red and Green Sunday on the 11th
Wear your favorite red and green outfit to church on Sunday, Dec. 11th!
Christmas Hymn Sing During Coffee Hour
Ivette Herriman-Rodriguez will be leading a Christmas hymn sing in the Center during coffee hour on the 11th. You won’t want to miss it!
Christmas Eve Service, 7 pm
We will gather together for a special Christmas Eve service on Saturday, Dec. 24th at 7pm. Keilor will be leading a choir that night. If you’re interested in participating, let him know!
No Church Service Christmas Morning, Dec. 25
Christmas falls on Sunday this year, and Session felt that we would best honor our Christmas time by staying home that morning to celebrate with family. But we will be back with regular Sunday services the following week, on New Year’s Day!
Advent Devotional
Our former minister, Scott Barton, has a number of beautiful poems in a daily Advent devotional put together by our denomination. The poems are short and sweet, and offer an easy way to stay centered as we move through the season of Advent. Just click on this link to open up the devotional: to Fix the Leaking Roof and Sanctuary Ceiling
I have wonderful news to share with you today. Our insurance company has sent us funds to fix the two holes in the sanctuary roof that caused the ceiling to collapse above the choir loft! We hope to have the roof fixed in the next few weeks, and the sanctuary ceiling at a later date.
In addition to that, we are still waiting to hear back from the Rock Charitable Grant about whether or not we might receive additional money to fix other holes in the roof, rotting soffitting and molding, and construct a gutter system for above the bell tower doors. We will find out if we receive the award at the end of December.
Pledge Cards
We had a bit of a hiccup, but your pledge cards should be arriving in your mailboxes early next week. Be on the lookout for them!
Advent– A Time to Slow Down and Pay Attention