News for the Church, 3/25/22

Good Morning to you, Church! 

Well, spring is springing, isn’t it? The snow is melting, mud season is upon us, the birds are returning, and sugaring efforts are in full swing. What a wonderful time to be alive, as the earth awakens from its winter slumber once again! 

Here’s the news for this week:

Rev. Rich Hinkle to preach and lead worship this Sunday. 

Please join us for worship this Sunday, as Pastor Rich brings us a word from the Word. 

Terrance Summers to be Baptized on April 3rd

If you didn’t get to meet Terrance at church this past Sunday, make sure to find him and introduce yourself in the coming weeks. Terrance has been coming to our church for over a month now, and has decided that we’re the sort of church family he wants to be part of. In addition to this, he has decided that he wants to welcome God into his life in a public way by being baptized. If you’d like to be part of this celebration, make sure you’re at church on April 3rd!

Emailing The Sunday Bulletins

We’ve had a request for the bulletins to be emailed to everyone on a weekly basis, so that those who continue to watch the service from home can still participate in the liturgy and hymn singing.

Claire will begin sending out these emails on Saturdays. If you do not wish to be on this email list, please let me know and we’ll take your name off the mailing list.

Tenebrae Service to be held on Good Friday

This year for Holy Week we will be holding a special service on Good Friday called a tenebrae service. The word tenebrae means darkness, or shadow, in Latin. In this simple service, we will begin with 13 candles lit– one for each of the disciples and Jesus. Throughout the service, the story of holy week will be told, and as the story progresses, each of these 13 candles will be extinguished, until there is only darkness left. This will mark the end of the service, when everyone will be invited to leave in silence.

More than any other gathering during holy week, tenebrae services make real the impact of Jesus’ death on the cross. And the tension it creates then brings into greater relief the joy and resurrection of Easter Sunday. I hope you will consider joining us for this special service. 

Holding onto the Light

Friends, as I read the news each morning, I struggle with feeling crushed by the darkness in the world right now. Do you know that feeling too? Listening to the state of the world, I am tempted to be overcome by fear and swallowed by the shadows.

But one thing we know from Scripture is that even in the bleakest moments of our history, God is there in the darkness with us. That is one of the most important promises that God makes to us, and it’s part of the power of the crucifixion. God reaches to the furthest ends of the universe– even into utter darkness– to be with us. Psalm 139:7-12 puts it this way:

Where can I go from your spirit?
    Or where can I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there;
    if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there. 
If I take the wings of the morning
    and settle at the farthest limits of the sea,
even there your hand shall lead me,
    and your right hand shall hold me fast.
If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,
    and the light around me become night,” 
even the darkness is not dark to you;
    the night is as bright as the day,
    for darkness is as light to you. 

Dear Hearts, God does not promise us that we won’t ever be plunged into the depths– that we will not face the strife of shadows. Struggle is part of what it means to live in God’s creation. But no matter how deep we fall, and no matter what we face, God is still with us in those moments. And because we know that with God, darkness is as light, we can be assured that there is reason for hope. The darkness cannot overtake us when we find God’s presence.

This week, when you are tempted to fall into the pit, I encourage you to find God’s presence in the situation. Where do you see God in this experience?  The light is there, if you have the eyes to see it. 

God is holding us together, even now.

In faith and hope,
Pastor Katrina

News for the Church 3/18/22

Good Day to you, Church!

Did you have the chance to revel in yesterday’s glorious sunshine and warm weather? I sure hope so! It’s amazing to be able to see the bare earth again, after being hidden by the snow for the last 3 months. Make sure you take a moment this week to take in a deep breath of the earthy, wet smells of early spring. What a gift they are. 

Here’s the news for the week: 

Keilor Kastella’s Faculty Recital This Sunday

If you love to listen to Keilor play piano, you’ll have a chance to attend his first faculty recital at Hosmer Hall this Sunday, March 20th at 7:30pm. Keilor brings such depth to our worship through music, and I can only imagine that his recital will be just as moving. 

Shift in Covid Protocols

Session met this last week and discussed changes to our current covid protocols at the church. Since Covid numbers have dropped significantly in our county– from extreme levels to moderate levels– we’d like to begin bringing back some important aspects of church that we’ve had to set aside during the pandemic. 

Beginning the Sunday after Easter, April 24th, we will add Passing the Peace back into our worship time and we will resume having coffee hour in the Center! In addition to this, we will resume hosting monthly dates for the men’s and women’s lunches (as long as the Pickards, or someone else, are willing to organize them). Huzzah!! Hooray!! 

Now, about masking. Session also discussed the possibility of making masking optional during worship. Since worship is the most important part of our church life together, and Session feels that everyone— including immuno-compromised people– should be able to feel safe coming to worship, at this time we are going to continue with our masking protocol during our worship services. This decision is not meant to punish those who do not like wearing masks. Neither is this about restricting freedom. This is about creating access for people with certain physical disabilities– to allow them to participate in in-person worship while Covid numbers are still at moderate levels. It’s about making sure that everyone who desires to come to worship is able to do so. Does that make sense? I recognize that some of us might be frustrated with this decision, but can you see where Session is coming from on this? (Even if you don’t like it?)

That said, Session is hoping that at some in the not-too-distant future, Covid levels in our county will be low enough to allow masks to be optional. We will look at it again at next month’s Session meeting. 

Tax Form for Donations

Have you been wondering where your tax form is that states the amount of your donation to the church? They are on their way to you in the mail, as we speak. 

Recognizing their tardiness, I’d like to ask for your grace in this matter. Cynthia Coleman has been our trusty treasurer for a very long time, and she does amazing work. At this time, however, she has been dealing with difficult health issues– something many of us know about. She’s doing the best she can with what she’s been dealing with. 

This leads me to ask again about the possibility of someone in our congregation being willing to step up and serve as a co-treasurer. Simply put– Cynthia needs help. Our church needs help. If you are comfortable working with numbers, would you be willing to take on a 1-2 hour/week job to help support our church family? 

Arabic Music Presentation

Here’s the link, one more time, for PIC’s upcoming program on Arabic Music, which will be held via zoom on March 24th from 7-8:30pm. 

Zoom link:

Rev. Hinkle to preach 3/27

Please join us for worship on the 27th, as Rich Hinkle brings us a word from the Word. 

A Story of Kindness

This week I want to tell you a short story. Yesterday, as I was making my way to my office at church, I ran into a woman who was bringing little bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and soaps to leave at the Free Little Pantry. She asked if I had any small baggies, so that she could separate them into single-person bags. 

I invited her into my office, while I scrounged around for some, and we started to chat. She said how wonderful it is that we have this pantry, and how happy she is that she can make donations now. She explained that she’s been homeless for 3 years, living in a camper year-round, and just recently moved into a real home– an apartment at the Quarry (the apartment complex across the street from the church). Now that she’s in a more stable environment, she’s able to give back to others, and it brings her joy to be able to help other people. 

While we were chatting I asked her about what it’s like to live at the Quarry. She said it’s amazing and she’s so grateful for the folks who live there. I also asked her if there’s anything she needs in her new life. She said that she’s looking for a loveseat and really needs a new cell phone because hers is no longer functional. I told her that I’d ask around to see if anyone had a gently used loveseat or cell phone that they’d be willing to donate, and she gave me an email address, to be able to contact her (because her phone doesn’t work). 

We then said our goodbyes, and she left. A few minutes later, however, she popped back in. “Excuse me,” she said. “I don’t mean to bother you, but I just noticed these little flowers blooming, and I wanted you to have them. Aren’t they the most beautiful miniature flowers you’ve ever seen?” With a joy-filled smile on her face, she handed me 4 tiny snowdrop flowers– the first blooms I’ve seen this year. 

This totally made my day. 

Thank you, Joanne, for the snowdrops and the gifts you gave to the Little Free Pantry. You brought the light of God’s goodness to me, to our church, and to the Potsdam community this week! 

Enjoy the beauty of snowdrops and the all the other little secret joys of early spring this week, will you? 

I am too,
Pastor Katrina

News for the Church, 3/11/22

Good afternoon to you, Church:

The sun is shining for a few more hours, but we are predicted to get a major snow dump starting later this afternoon. March is our bipolar month, isn’t it? We swing from one extreme to the other! 

Here’s the news for the week:

Vigil for Ukraine to be Held This Saturday

Tomorrow, March 12th at noon, Ola Aldous, a local Ukrainian woman, is holding a vigil at the Canton Village Park in downtown Canton. There will be Ukrainian speakers and able-bodied participants will walk east to Ramoda Drive and back again. The event is anticipated to last one hour. Respectful signs showing support for Ukraine are welcome. 

Spring Forward this Sunday! 

This Sunday begins Daylight Savings Time, so remember to push your clocks forward an hour before you head to bed Saturday night! 

Collecting Donations for Ukrainian Refugees/Displaced People

The Ukrainian community in Montreal is collecting items to be sent to Ukraine to aid people who have been displaced and are unable to access essential goods, and to support refugees who have made it to Canada. Christine Hoerning, a Crane professor, is connected with the Ukrainian community in Montreal, and has agreed to coordinate a donation drive in our area to support their efforts. 

If you would like to make a donation, they are looking for the following items: 

  • first aid items (they must be new and unopened, can include Tylenol, Advil, burn cream, gauze, medical tape, bandages, wraps, antiseptics, rubbing alcohol, band-aids, etc.)
  • emergency/survival items (sleeping bags, camping mats, emergency blankets, etc.)
  • baby food (baby food in all forms, as long as it is new)
  • new or lightly used winter coats
  • hygiene products (sanitary napkins, wipes, soap, toothbrushes, etc.)
  • children’s toys(small, lightweight only, please; books are welcome, but please be mindful that they may not speak English and they may not be settling in a part of Canada that speaks English; picture books are great) 
  • cash donations to help cover the cost of shipping

We will collect these items in a box in the front of the sanctuary. 

Arabic Music Presentation

On March 24th Potsdam’s Majid will present “Arabic Music: Some Influence and Some Authentic.” (Thursday, March 24,from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) The program will be hosted by Tarik Maatallah, president of the Potsdam Interfaith Community. 

This evening of beautiful music will explore the influence of Arabic music in America and the world. The cultural program will be held via Zoom and is part of the Potsdam Interfaith Community’s series of online learning opportunities. Together, we will sample a few songs from Arabic classical music, modern music, and folklore. We will listen to a beautiful blend of voices of Arabs of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. We will also hear a few social justice and revolutionary songs as well as a few remixes that combine the music of the east and the west.


Update on our Local Tax Situation

I have good news to report! We have been in discussion with the tax assessor for years over his insistence that we pay taxes on the portion of our building that we rent out to Trillium. Two years ago we hired a lawyer through the Presbytery to look into how/why we might be able to grieve these taxes, since we are a not-for-profit entity. At that time, we did our best to lay out our legal reasoning for why we felt it was inappropriate for us to be taxed, but the assessor was adamant that we are legally obligated to pay these taxes.

As a result of this correspondence from the tax assessor, last year Dave Wells and I met with him to discuss the issue. While we were there, we recognized that the only recourse we would have to fight this would be to take it to court– which would likely cost far more on our end than it was worth. That was both a sobering and disappointing realization. In that meeting, however, we also learned from the tax assessor how we might be able to lower our assessed value, and as a result, reduce our taxes slightly.

Consequently, we did what we could to prove that the assessed portion of the building should be decreased, and this year he lowered the assessment by $2,500. This does not translate into major savings for us, but every penny counts. And so we are grateful! 

A big thanks to those who have worked on this project over the last few years– Sue Waters, Terry de la Vega, David Bennett, Dave Wells, and myself.

Spring is springing!

Friends, with this snow storm coming tomorrow, I’ve found myself wallowing in self-pity the last few days. I’m so over winter already, and I want to pout like a two-year-old. Are you in that place too? Today, however, God is helping me to make an attitude adjustment. Rather than spend today pondering how much I’m going to dislike tomorrow, I’m sitting in the window soaking up today’s sunshine. And I’ve made a pact with myself that tomorrow– hopefully for the very last time this season– I’m going to do something snow-related that brings me joy. Maybe I will have a cup of hot cocoa and watch the snow fall. Maybe I will go outside and try to catch snowflakes on my tongue. Or, if I’m feeling well enough, perhaps I will throw on my snowsuit and go lay in the white stuff and make a snow angel. Will you join me in this (hopefully) last major hurrah for winter? 

The author of 1 Thessalonians wrote to the ancient believers in Thessaloniki to:

 “Rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

~1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I Have Confidence Spring Will Come,
Pastor Katrina

News for the Church, 3/4/22

Good Day to you Church!

Well, winter is still hanging on, isn’t it? We had a sub-zero night last night and I, for one, hope that it’s our very last one of the season. When I was a kid, my grandmother cross-stitched everyone in our family a little plaque that said, “I Have Confidence Spring Will Come,” and it’s days just like today that my mind returns to my Grandma’s saying. Hang on just a little while longer, folks. Sugaring is just around the corner, and then spring will be here! 

Here’s the news for the week: 

Sabrina Petrie’s Birthday

If you see her at the library, make sure to wish Sabrina a happy day on Monday. It will be her special day! 🙂 

Arabic Music Presentation

Every month, one of the congregations in PIC takes a turn sharing a learning experience from their tradition. This month, Potsdam’s Majid presents “Arabic Music: Some Influence and Some Authentic” on Thursday, March 24,from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The program will be hosted by Tarik Maatallah, president of the Potsdam Interfaith Community. 

This evening of beautiful music will explore the influence of Arabic music in America and the world. The cultural program will be held via Zoom and is part of the Potsdam Interfaith Community’s series of online learning opportunities. Together, we will sample a few songs from Arabic classical music, modern music, and folklore. We will listen to a beautiful blend of voices of Arabs of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. We will also hear a few social justice and revolutionary songs as well as a few remixes that combine the music of the east and the west.


Festival of Sacred Music and Text

It’s almost time for the annual Festival of Sacred Music and Text, a yearly PIC tradition that invites congregations to share meaningful music and spoken words. This year’s festival will take place on Sunday, April 10th, at 3pm at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. But before that can happen, congregations need to sign up to be in the program. Do you have a special song or written word that belongs to our Christian tradition that you’d like to share? If so, please let me know! We may (or may not) have enough energy to form a small choir, but anyone is welcome to participate– either in that theoretical choir, or as solo singer/speaker. 

The State of the World

Friends, are you feeling discombobulated right now? I am. Spring is coming soon and Covid is in retreat, and I’m feeling optimistic, hopeful, and excited for a renewal of life. But Russia has invaded Ukraine, and the world also feels impossibly topsy-turvy. And I feel that in my body, too. Today I want to remind us that it’s possible to experience more than one emotion at the same time. Right now I’m experiencing hope and excitement and fear and sorrow. And they’re all knotted up together in a strange mess in my guts. 

We’ve been through so much in the last couple of years, and just when it seemed like life might get a little easier, all of a sudden, things are complicated in new and terrible ways. When this happens, and your stomach is a mess, sometimes it’s helpful to sit down and figure out just exactly what’s going on inside of you. It can be helpful to actually tease out each emotion and name them individually. Then, the balled-up mess o’ feelings becomes less of a mess and more of an understandable situation. So, what are you going through today in your guts? Do you feel joy and rage? Hope and hopelessness? Sorrow and fear? If you have a journal, or a friend to share with, I invite you to spend some time naming the unknown within your mind/body/spirit. 

Proverbs says:

“Anxiety weighs down the human heart, but a good word cheers it up.”

~Proverbs 12:25

Sometimes that good word is as simple as a truthful reckoning within ourselves. 

Keep Breathing,
Pastor Katrina

News for the Church, 2/25/22

Good Morning to you, Church!

It’s snowing and blowing out my window right now, and icy underneath. All around, it’s a good day to stay inside if you can! 

The news for this week is short and sweet: 

Rev. Shaun will be preaching and leading worship this Sunday.

I’m very grateful for the words of hope and life that Rev. Shaun will bring to us this week, in particular. Her willingness to preach and lead worship allowed me to try the next step on my health journey. On Tuesday, Sue Waters drove me to Burlington to have something called Platelet-Rich Plasma injections (PRP) done in my back. The treatment uses your own blood cells to target healing in certain parts of the body. For me, the hope is that it will tighten up the loose ligaments and joints in my back that cause me such pain. It will take 1-3 months to know if it’s going to help, but I feel very hopeful that this could be a game changer for me. In the meantime, however, I am sore and moving very slowly this week. (Any prayers you might have for me in the coming weeks are appreciated!)

Per Capita

Cynthia Coleman has asked me to remind us all a few more times about per capita. Our payment to Presbytery this year is $1,674– which is $31x 54 people. If you are a member of the church, would you consider covering the $31 meant to include you? 

Native and Invasive Species

Bob Pickard and Renee Stauffer are working on an exciting project for us that will take place in June. They are inviting a local DEC representative to come and show us a documentary about the effects of invasive plant species on the local environment and the importance of cultivating native species. The Sunday after the documentary, the DEC individual will then give a guided tour of the church grounds and point out where we have both invasive and native species. The hope is that we might be able to dig up the invasive ones and plant natives in their place. 

We plan to open these events up to the greater community and invite local children and youth to participate in the re-planting. 

War and Violence, Near and Far

Dear Hearts, it’s been a week marked by shock, fear, and grief for many of us. Last Friday night Beth Howell, a senior at Crane, was shot and killed by a Massena man just beyond the borders of the school’s campus. It’s left our heads spinning with confusion, anger, fear, and sorrow– especially for those who consider ourselves part of the SUNY Potsdam community. Then, if that weren’t enough, Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine, setting the world on edge for what we wonder about in fear-filled whispers at the dinner table as the possibility for a third world war. 

Do you find yourself wondering, “Why is there such violence in the world? And why do we hurt each other so?” If these are the cries of your heart this week, you are not alone. But the truth of the matter is, God has created us with the capacities for both compassion and violence. And these capacities are part of what makes us human. We have the power to tear each other down and build each other up, in both small and big ways. 

When faced with such harm in the world though, it’s easy to become disillusioned by hopelessness and helplessness, isn’t it? If you’re like me, you found yourself feeling helpless to do anything in the face of this war, which is quite terrifying. This leads us to wonder, “How do we fight against violence and terror that is so much bigger than we are?!” What do we do when the forces of evil are so great? 

Friends, when we find ourselves starting to get hemmed in by the powers of harm, Jesus teaches us to fight back by using our powers of compassion and love. He teaches us to notice where in the world we can make a difference, and then to act in ways that bring about the realm of God. You don’t personally have the capacity to fight against Putin’s forces in Ukraine, and it’s not your individual right to persecute Michael Snow, but you have arms and legs, and a heart and a brain that can bring about God’s justice and love right where you are. 

The way to overcome fear, that sense of helplessness, and the violence that surrounds us all is to find our place in the world and then flesh out God’s goodness in that place. 

So what can you do this week to spread the force and power of love, justice, and compassion in the world? What will you do this week to overcome evil with good? (I’m serious about that question. This is not a rhetorical exercise.) 

One thing I’m doing this week is to reach out to the director of counseling at SUNY Potsdam to find out how our church might be able to support the campus in the coming weeks. I will also continue in my efforts to foster justice and equity for Black and Brown people in America. I will hug my kids and visit with my elderly neighbors. I will pray for Potsdam, the Howell family, Michael Snow, Ukraine, Russia, and even Putin himself. And I will do what I need to do to take care of my own body, mind, and soul– including asking for help when I need it. (Taking care of yourself is a huge part of how we fight against violence in the world.) 

In Paul’s letter to the Romans he says, 

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering…Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you….

In this way we are like the various parts of a human body. Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we’re talking about is Christ’s body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn’t amount to much, would we? So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be…. 

If you preach, just preach God’s Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don’t take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don’t get bossy; if you’re put in charge, don’t manipulate; if you’re called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don’t let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face….

Don’t hit back…. Don’t insist on getting even; that’s not for you to do. “I’ll do the judging,” says God. “I’ll take care of it.”

Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he’s thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good.

~Excerpts from Romans 12, The Message Version

Friends, what will you do this week to spread the force and power of love, justice, and compassion in the world?

Fighting Evil By Doing Good,
Pastor Katrina

News for the Church, 2/18/22

Good Day to you, Church!

For a short, hot minute yesterday it seemed like spring might be on it’s way.  It was eerie to see the ground again after all the rain melted the snow, wasn’t it?  But alas, our hopes were thwarted.   At least today was a snow day for the kiddos! 

Here’s what’s up this week:

Huimara Needs a Ride to Syracuse March 3

Our Afghani friend (the student at Clarkson) is getting closer to being able to see her family in Canada.  Her family arrived there as refugees in the fall, but Huimara still has not been cleared to cross the border.  She needs to make one more trip to Syracuse for documents on March 3rd.  If you think you might be able to take her, please email me back and let me know!  

Pastor Holly’s Husband is on the Mend

As you might have heard in church last Sunday, Pastor Holly’s husband had a mild stroke last week.  Thankfully, his condition is improving.  If you’d like to send them a note, here’s their address: 

Holly Haille Thompson
PO Box 274
Rooseveltown, NY 13683

Per Capita …. it’s that time of year again.  

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Presbyterian system of polity, our local church is supported by 3 governing bodies above us– the Presbytery of Northern New York, the Synod of the Northeast, and General Assembly.  Each of these bodies provides learning resources, mission opportunities, grant possibilities, and theological guidance for our church. (And at each level we have representation, or, the possibility of representation).  But, just like our church, each governing body needs money to keep their systems running.  

One way they do this is through “per capita.”  For every person who is a member of our church, the church pays $31/year.  This is a lot of money, of course, but we are able to offset some of these costs if you, as a member, are able to contribute that $31 (or whatever amount you can afford) to help us pay our per capita bill. 

If you are a member would you consider donating another $31?  If so, please write “per capita” on the memo line of your check.  (If you’re not an official member, however, you don’t need to worry about any of this!) 

Rev. Shaun to Preach

Rev. Shaun Whitehead will be in the pulpit on Sunday, Feb. 27. 

A Fun Mystery   

This last week I received a bulky letter in the mail from an unknown individual who lives in Ocean, NJ– a man by the name of William Kopp.    

“The enclosed newspaper article was found in the files of the Episcopal Church of St. James in Upper Mountclair, New Jersey,” he wrote.  “It was in an envelope marked ‘Marts and Lundy of NY, NY.’  There is no known connection to St. James, so I thought you might like to have the original returned to you.” 

Does anyone have any idea how a copy of a 1961 article about our church’s 150th anniversary ended up in the files of an Episcopal church in New Jersey, by way of someone from New York City?!  (Also note the short article about a delicatessen supper being held at Beth-El, to give their congregants a chance to eat a kosher meal together.)

Let me know if you have any ideas of how this newspaper got there! 

Friends, how are you holding up this week?  The Omicron variant is starting to wane in St. Lawrence County.  Have you been smiling?  I hope so!  And how are your winter blues?  Is your back holding up from all the shoveling? 

I hope you find a way to celebrate being alive this week.  Take in a deep breath of air the next time you step outside and give thanks to the earth for what she brings us!  Dance with your sweetie in the kitchen!  Share a joke with a friend!  Venture out into shops or restaurants if you feel safe enough!  Get brave and have that hard conversation you’ve been putting off for years!  Do something this week that brings you abundant life.  

In 2 Corinthians 9, Paul is reminding his listeners to give generously to help out the poor in Jerusalem (something they’d already promised to do).  But he does so by reminding them that giving brings joy and abundance back around to the giver, for having given in the first place.  He says:

“God loves it when the giver delights in the giving.  God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done.”

~2 Corinthians 9:7-8

What besides “what needs to get done” can you put your energy towards this week?  What joy can you cultivate?  What gift can you offer to the world?  And what abundance can you receive back for doing these very things?  

I can’t wait to find out!  

Soaking up the sunshine this afternoon,
Pastor Katrina  

News for the Church, 2/11/22

Good Day to you, Church!

Are you enjoying these milder temps? I love watching the icicles hanging from the roof as they drip…drip…drip. It’s a sure sign that the harshest part of winter is now past us! 

Here’s the news for the week: 

Back in the Building

I hope to see some of your smiling eyes in person for worship this Sunday! As usual, we will be gathering at 10 am. 

Baby Amani

If you haven’t heard, Joanina and her husband Chris gave birth to a beautiful baby girl this last week! Congratulations to them both, and also to Auntie Juster. 

That said, I got a note from Dave Wells a couple days ago asking for prayers for Amani because she had been taken to the ICU. Apparently, doctors haven’t been able to determine what the problem is, but whatever is wrong is improving a little (as of yesterday). Please be in prayer for this sweet baby girl, her parents, and for her entire extended family in Kenya. 

Schabergs are Moving South!

After many months of preparation and effort, the Schabergs have sold their house here in Potsdam and will be permanently moving down south this coming spring. We at the Potsdam Church are, of course, saddened to be saying goodbye, but we are excited for them to move into this next exciting chapter of their lives. Let’s plan to have a celebration with them before they leave! 

Rev. Shaun to preach Feb. 27

Rev. Shaun will be joining us for worship later this month. 

Annual Congregational Meeting

For those who didn’t attend last Sunday, our zoom congregational meeting went off without a hitch. I appreciated that so many people attended. Thank you for showing up for your church!

Winter Blues??

Friends, as we move into the middle of February, this is the time of year when many people start to get the winter blues. Are you feeling a lag of energy? Feeling glum? Having a harder time sleeping? Finding yourself getting frustrated more often? 

When we get cabin fever the world starts to look a little duller, but there are things we can do to lift our spirits. One of the best ways to find peace with this time of year is to get outside. Go on a ski, make a snow angel in the backyard, or take the grandkids sledding! For some of us these aren’t realistic possibilities, but there are always options if you’re willing to get a little creative. If you can’t go on a ski, can you take a walk on a quiet road? If you can’t take a walk, can you take a country drive and enjoy the beauty of the world covered in snow? If you can’t take a drive, it’s always possible to sit in the sunshine of a slightly cracked window, and take in some deep breaths of the cool winter air. Finding ways to create joy in the midst of what makes us crazy is life-giving. 

And there are other more whimsical ways to enjoy living right now too. Christa Lyon, a member of the Canton Presbyterian Church, celebrates the winter blues each year by hauling a lawn chair and a beach umbrella out to the back yard, dressing up in the most colorful summer get-up she can pull together, and inviting friends to join her for a summer cocktail in the snow. 

What can you do this week to bring some joy to the land of the February Blues?! If you come up with a great idea, email me and tell me about it. I’ll buy a chocolate bar for anyone who finds something whimsical to do and shares the story of their adventure with me! 🙂 

Take care of yourself this week, 
Pastor Katrina

News for the Church, 2/4/22

Good afternoon to you on this very snowy day!

I hope that you either dug yourself out easily enough or don’t need to go anywhere today. I myself am grateful to get to sit by the woodstove and just look out the window at the beauty of the snow today! 

Here’s the news for the week: 

This Sunday 

This coming Sunday will be a busy one. We are celebrating communion together in worship, so please remember to bring a bite of something to eat and a drink of some sort when you sit down to watch Sunday’s service. 

Then, after the service, at 11:30 am, we will have our annual congregational meeting via zoom. Here’s the link, if you need it again:

Returning to In-Person Worship February 13

I have good news to share! Omicron is starting to run out of people to infect in our area and caseloads have dropped significantly. The active daily positive case count for the county, which hit 2,500 people a few weeks ago, is now down to 831, as of yesterday. Given this recession, Session feels that it is safe to re-open the sanctuary for worship once again. 

I know that some of us still have health concerns that prevent us from coming for in-person worship, and so I want to reiterate that it’s ok to stay home if you need/want. Each of us is given the responsibility of making the best decision for ourselves in our own individual situations. But it’s also wonderful to have the option once again to come back together! Huzzah for choices! 


Friends, Omicron is in retreat, but we still need to take it seriously. I know that for some people this particular variant has brought on mild cold symptoms, but for others it presents as a serious, miserable flu. And there are still those for whom it puts them in the hospital– primarily if you haven’t been vaccinated. Right now 32% of the beds at the hospital are being used by Covid patients, down from 36% earlier in the week. So while it does seem safe to gather in groups once again, we have to be vigilant about making healthy choices for ourselves. 

Gifts from Above– a Little Story about Grace

This week I want to share something a little personal. A number of years ago, I was really struggling in my life and felt like the entire world was crashing all around me– which in all honesty, was truly the case. But even as my world was crumbling, I decided to pray for eyes that could see the gifts of grace that were all around me, in the midst of the crumble. Every day I would tell myself that I was going to choose to be open to receiving God’s abundant life. And I would ask God for the sort of eyeballs that could detect where that abundance was. It took a while to adjust my eyesight, to being able to “see in the dark,” but after some practice, I started seeing the grace. And it made the heavier things a little lighter. I felt people’s love and concern for me more vividly, I began to notice when things were going well, and I started having moments of joy mixed in the pain. 

Fast forward a few years, and now some things are easier. I’m no longer swimming through the grief of divorce or dealing with homelessness and bankruptcy, but my health is still a challenge for me, and I still get tripped up and fall into the hole of despair sometimes. Last week this was my reality, and I found myself slipping into “fear mode.” For whatever reason, however, I happened to remember my old daily practice of opening myself up to abundant grace, and so I decided to make it a practice again. 

And can I tell you? God has been having fun with me ever since! 

Here’s what happened. The very first night I prayed this prayer for openness to grace– a resolve to myself and a request to God for help to see it– something unbelievable happened. Not even 15 minutes after I had opened myself up to experiencing grace, a giant gift fell out of the sky. A friend of mine, who also has EDS, called me to say that she had a friend in Rochester whose uncle had just died, and who used an electric scooter in the last 6 months of his life, which his family now wanted to give to someone who could really use it. They didn’t know anyone locally, and my friend suggested they think about giving it to me. And so, next month I’m going to be receiving an expensive tool that will make getting around in certain circumstances much, much easier for me! 

When I hung up the phone that night, I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I started laughing with God about her hilarious sense of humor. It was almost as if I needed to be hit over the head with a 2×4 to be reminded that gifts are everywhere. 

Since then, I’ve started noticing the more subtle glimmers of gleaming grace. Yesterday I felt trapped inside the house, since crutches/wheelchairs and falling snow don’t play well together. I felt sorrow for feeling trapped, but also…. I got to watch deer hunting for something to eat out in the woods behind my house. And I took in the beauty of the gently falling snow. And I savored the taste of chocolate on my tongue. And I heard myself laughing out loud at our kittens, as they stumbled and tumbled over each other in their clumsy play. And all of a sudden, my fear of being trapped turned into revel and joy for the freedom I had found in treasure hunting for grace. 

Friends, I don’t know what difficult things you’re going through today, but they’re not all you’re going through. There are also bits of abundant grace– of wonder and joy and beauty– tucked in between the folds of sorrow and difficulty, and they’re there for you when you’re ready to see them. And enjoy them. And play with them. 

So here is my prayer for you today– that you really taste the deliciousness of chocolate on your tongue. That you notice that your car starts up when you turn over the ignition. That you give thanks for plowed roads. That you open yourself up to taking in the love of the people around you. And most importantly, that if you don’t have enough of any of these things in your life, that you realize that you have the power to make the sorts of changes that will give you what you do need. Because God’s grace abounds all around! 

In Isaiah 30, the people are in serious political trouble and they’re digging themselves in deeper and deeper by making backroom deals with countries that don’t actually have any allegiance to the people’s well-being. And so Isaiah, whose job is to point out the truth of what they’re doing, shows up to tell them that they’re being idiots; that they’re putting their eggs in the wrong basket– trusting the wrong source of life. He’s there, on the one hand, to point out the poor choices they’re making, but he’s also there, on the other hand, to remind people that they already know who they can trust, and what will see them through. He tells them:

Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!

~Isaiah 30:18)

Friends, when you’re in trouble, make sure you’re also choosing to stay plugged into God’s grace. It will carry you through, and maybe, just maybe, will make a way out, too. 

Hunting for grace today,
Pastor Katrina

News for the Church 1/28/22

Greetings on a sunny, winter day to you, Church! 

How are you holding up with the cold this month? The other day I heard someone say, “We’re having a real, old fashioned winter this year!” 

This is definitely the coldest it’s been in a few years. If you’re struggling right now, is there anything your church family can do to help? 

Here’s the news for this week: 

Headed to Beth-El Synagogue

Six of us are going to worship with the Beth-El congregation to offer our awareness, compassion, and care of our Jewish neighbors and friends in the wake of the latest anti-semitism in America. 

Rev. Rich Hinkle to Preach

This Sunday Pastor Rich will be leading worship and preaching. He will be joined by our regular cantors. 

Communion Sunday

February 6 (a week from this Sunday), I invite you to join in as we celebrate communion from home. Bring your toast and coffee, bread and wine, or chips and soda to worship with you and we will remember Jesus together. 

Annual Congregational Meeting

Right after worship on Feb. 6, we will all be hopping on a zoom meeting together to hold our annual congregational meeting. In the next few days I’ll send out an email with the annual report and a zoom link for you to be able to participate.


Yesterday, for the first time since I’ve been pastor, I crossed the Community Center room and ventured through the door to experience Trillium Wellness Center for myself. Did you realize we have massage therapists, mental health therapists, a physical therapist, yoga classes, and tai chi classes happening in our church on a weekly basis? I knew all of this in my mind, but I’d never before experienced what that means in my body. Yesterday I had a massage with one of the massage therapists at Trillium, and I left not only feeling like a million bucks in my body, but with a sense of amazement and gratitude that all of this happens in our church building! We may not run any of these wellness opportunities, but creating access to them is a major gift we offer to the greater Potsdam community. Jesus was all about fostering wellness in both the lives of individuals and the greater community itself, and I am proud that we are part of this “Jesus mission.” 

If you ever wanted to take a yoga class, have a massage, or learn more about the mental health therapists and the PT who work in our building, you can check out Trillium’s website.

Red Cross Blood Drives

This last Thursday our church also hosted space for a monthly blood drive, run by the Red Cross. Every time we host one I get a warm feeling in my heart and I find a special smile crossing my face. Here’s why: 

Do you remember at the beginning of the pandemic, the Stauffer kids and I cracked open the history closet to see if we could learn anything about the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-1919 from our church records? Well, we not only learned that the flu epidemic shut down our church and the whole town of Potsdam for a while, but we learned that as a result of major cases of the flu sweeping through the military barracks at Clarkson, the minister of our church and a few session members took action to create a chapter of the Red Cross in the North Country. 

After getting the chapter established, some of our church folks then petitioned national Red Cross doctors to travel to Potsdam to convince Army captains and school administrators to start quarantining sick soldiers and students. And it was through the Red Cross that folks in our church were able to help set up two field hospitals in town to care for sick people!

Fast forward 100 years, and our church is still part of the wellness efforts of the Red Cross in our county. This last Thursday, 33 units of blood were donated at the blood drive set up at our church. During the pandemic, the country is experiencing emergency blood shortages, and so, just like in 1918, our church is again (and still) helping to create healing and wellness for people in our local community. 

How cool is that?! 

Dear Hearts, thank you for being a church that cares about the wellbeing of people’s bodies and minds as much as their spirits. Today I am overflowing with gratitude, joy, and pride at being part of our church. 

In its ancient language, Proverbs reminds us that our mental health is important to both our physical health and overall well-being. It says:

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

~Proverbs 17:22

Friends, right now is hard on everyone’s mental health. Whether you’re taking a yoga class, going to therapy, playing games around your dining room table, chatting with a friend on the phone, or going out on a ski in the woods, I pray that you’re making room to care for your mental health. However you create a “joyful heart” in your life… it’s good medicine for the mind, body, and soul. 

May you know the wellness of God’s great shalom today,
Pastor Katrina

News for the Church. 1/22/22

Good Afternoon, Church!

How are you hanging in with this cold weather? Are your pipes still warm and cozy? I hope so. This morning it was -28 at my house! Yikes, that’s cold!

Here’s the news for the week: 

Invitation to the Beth El Synagogue, Friday 1/28 at 7 pm

In the wake of last week’s hostage situation at a synagogue in Texas, some of our Jewish brothers and sisters are experiencing fear and anxiety around anti-Semitism in America. Consequently, Renee Stauffer suggested that we reach out to our local synagogue, Congregation Beth-El, to let them know that we’re thinking of them right now and to offer that, if appropriate, some of us could join them at their next worship service as a gift of presence. They were really touched by our regard for them and have invited us to join them on Jan. 28 at 7 pm. 

If you would like to attend, their policy is that you must show proof of vaccination and wear a mask. If this is something you would like to do, and you are eligible, please email me a picture of your vaccination card and I will forward it to Sharon Williams, so that they know how many of us will be coming. 

Rev. Rich Hinkle will be preaching on Sunday, 1/30

Communion on February 6

It’s been a while since we’ve celebrated communion together, so we will be gathering around the bread and wine during our online service on Feb. 6. Bring a cracker, piece of bread, or chip to your living room worship that morning (along with whatever you have for a drink), and we will remember and give thanks for Jesus together.

Annual Congregational Meeting, Feb. 6

Following the worship service on Feb. 6, you are invited to jump on a zoom meeting for us to gather together for our annual congregational meeting. I will send out the zoom link closer to the actual day.

*For those of you who are responsible for sending in reports, and haven’t yet, please get them in to me soon!

Upcoming Poor People’s Campaign Activity

Raamitha, from the Poor People’s Campaign wanted us to know about this upcoming events: 

North Country Poor People’s Campaign Healthcare Rally 1/30

For the last two years access to healthcare and its cost has been at the forefront of many of our minds. Our healthcare system puts profits before people. Please join the North Country Poor People’s Campaign as we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and rally at your local hospital to highlight this plight. The event at each location will be about 30 minutes long and include quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. relating to healthcare followed by public comment and discussions. Also at this event, the North Country Poor People’s Campaign will launch their healthcare survey, a tool to gather testimony from North Country residents on their healthcare experience. These testimonies will be presented to elected officials as we fight for accessible, affordable, quality healthcare in the North Country. Join us in our fight for affordable and accessible quality healthcare on Sunday, January 30. We will rally outside the hospitals in Massena at 10 am, Ogdensburg at 11:30 am, Gouverneur at 1 pm, and Potsdam at 2:30 pm. See you at your local hospital! 

Covid Prayers

Friends, this has been a hard week for folks in our church family. Some of us have come down with covid and others are in isolation, awaiting test results. Please be praying for each other right now– not only for physical health, but for mental and spiritual well-being. 

Bald Eagle Fun! 

In the midst of all of the cold, Covid, and everything else going on in the world, it’s vital to our well-being (that is, maintaining a sense of shalom in our hearts) to find bits of joy and fun where we can. 

This week Bob Pickard emailed me a link to a live-feed cam that’s been watching a momma bald eagle sitting on a nest of eggs in Florida. Experts think that one of the eggs will hatch TODAY(!) and the other will hatch in the next couple of days. If you’d like to check out this spectacular miracle of birth, click on the link:

Dear Hearts, no matter the circumstances you’re going through today, I hope that the light of God is shining brightly in your heart. This Sunday we will be talking about the secret strength that joy brings to us when times are tough. I hope you’ll join us to sing Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee from the top of your lungs (in your living rooms, so you don’t have to be embarrassed that anyone is listening)! 🙂 

Find some joy today!
Pastor Katrina