News for the Church, 9/5/24

Good Day to you Church!

It’s a gorgeous late summer day– the perfect temperature, full of sunshine and possibility. 

I had a wonderful time at my women’s retreat last weekend, and am packing my bags again today for our presbytery conference. I am feeling invigorated and filled up by these events. 

I’ll be home Saturday night, in time to see you at church on Sunday morning. But since I’m getting ready to run out the door, today’s newsletter is going to be super short– just the things you need to know for the next week or so. 

All Church Potluck and Communion This Sunday 

Potluck season is back! Bring a dish to share and stories to swap over lunch following worship this Sunday. We will be incorporating communion into our potluck again– an experience a number of you have found extra meaningful. 

Grief Group’s First Meeting Sept. 13th 

Our newly formed peer-led grief group will meet for the first time in the yoga room on Friday, Sept. 13th from 6-7pm. 

Safety in the Church Sunday and Child Abuse Vigil Sunday, Sept. 15th 

I am very excited to talk about what it means to live in a safe church environment on Sept. 15th. Many churches are not safe places, psychologically speaking. We will dive into this topic, as well as listen to Abbi Nye who started CFCToo– a group that speaks out against all the different types of abuse that takes place in church settings and as a result of church teachings. 

That night, Abbi is leading a candlelight vigil at Ives Park from 7-7:50pm to honor children who have been abused in their lives– by their families, churches, neighbors, institutions, and beyond. It will be a moving ceremony of recognition.

Fall Rummage Sale Set for October 4-5 

Start collecting your things to donate to our fall rummage sale! A big thanks to Ling Zhang, who has graciously offered to run it again this fall, with Arthur Freeheart helping out.

Looking Ahead: Election Day Spaghetti Dinner 

Mark your calendars to come help put on a fundraising dinner for the church on Election Day night. Susan Dillon and Terry de la Vega will be organizing this event, but we will certainly need volunteers to help cook, serve, and clean up.

Also, please invite your friends and neighbors to come. 

Our Church is Alive

Friends, the calendar is filled with all sorts of church events happening this fall, and they’re indicitiative of the fact that our church is not just surviving, but thriving. None of these events would be happening if you weren’t here, showing up, offering to do things. And you wouldn’t be showing up if your hearts weren’t in this. 

Today I just want to say thank you! For your joy, for your enthusiasm, for your faithfulness, and for your energy. A church can only become a beloved community when people choose for it to be that. And when I walk in our doors I feel the belovedness radiating from all of you. 

May God continue to bless us and keep us,
Pastor Katrina